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Butch Guice, Geoff Johns, Kris Grimminger
Book Status
Published in English
OLYMPIAN GODS. LEGENDARY MONSTERS. NOWHERE TO RUN. An action-packed tale as epic as the legends that spawned it.
Action Adventure, Adventure, Drama, Epic, Fantasy, Heroic Fantasy, Retelling of a Classic, Survival, Sword & Sandal
AV Types
Live Action Series, Feature Film
AV Demographics
PG-13, R, TV-14, TV-MA
Part of larger Universe



Book Plot/Twist

OLYMPUS kicks off in present day Greece when a group of brash archaeology students are on a diving expedition in the Aegean Sea. Sisters Rebecca and Sarah bicker about the trip so far. Free spirit Sarah thinks bookish Rebecca should let loose a bit more, this trip has been so boring. Rebecca has found the trip fascinating and likes Professor Walker’s teaching. Rebecca says that Sarah should find something she loves and apply herself in life. Professor Gail Walker and fellow student Brent emerge from the water. They’ve just found a container in a sunken galley that Brent’s research had led them to. Gail thinks they should alert the Greek government of their discovery, but Brent says this could be just the ammo they need to keep the archaeology department afloat. Plus they can tell the government the container was already open when they found it. Gail relents, they open the container, and find an urn within. Rebecca is able to figure out what era the urn is from based on the art. Gail then is able to read the inscription on the urn – this is Pandora’s Box.

Almost instantly, their luck changes—they’re hit by a huge storm out of nowhere and their ship is boarded by a team of ruthless mercenaries. The mercenaries realize their GPS led them to the wrong boat, everything has been thrown off by the storm. As they consider throwing the students overboard to keep the boat from sinking, the ship crashes onto a beach.

As the group takes inventory, they don’t yet realize where they are. Obviously the students are terrified of the mercenaries—but not nearly as frightened as when they’re all attacked by a giant cyclops right out of myth. The mercenaries’ guns seem to have little effect on the cyclops and they’re only able to escape when one of the mercenaries, Ben is captured and eaten by the cyclops which distracts him long enough for the others to get away. Rebecca puts the pieces together – she realizes that somehow, some way, they’ve ended up on an abandoned Mount Olympus and the root of their problem is Pandora’s Box.

Now they’re all easy prey on an island full of monsters and beasts, so both groups are going to have to work together to follow the pictographs on the Box, because the only way out is to return it to Olympus’s summit, where it belongs. There’s infighting among the mercenaries. Their leader, York tries to keep a cool head as his team all make their own suggestions on what they should do, particularly that they should ditch the students. Deems had gotten the tip about the rival boat they were really after before they crashed – a competitor who was smuggling in a crate of uncut South African diamonds on a fishing boat. Deems has a chip on his shoulder about it and betrays the team time and again to try to save his own skin. Like when he hid while they were being attacked by the cyclops saying his gun jammed (but Shore confirms this is a lie).

There isn’t too much time for fighting as the group is attacked by a sea creature! They run away, find themselves at a cliff and jump off into the lake below. Tomasi loses his gun in the process. Shore tosses him a new gun, but it goes off in Tomasi’s hand, killing him instantly. That’s when they’re attacked by man-eating Stymphalian birds. Sebastian tries to help Deems get behind a waterfall with the rest of the group. Deems shoots Sebastian in the leg and leaves him behind for the birds in order to make his own escape. Deems then tells York that Sebastian didn’t survive.

Now in a cave behind the waterfall, Sarah patches the group up using the first aid kit. York realizes the students outnumber the mercenaries now. He gives Gail a gun to help them. Brent asks if he’ll get one too. York says he will once he trusts him. Not much time passes before they’re attacked by the Minotaur! Deems runs away with Pandora’s Box which he’s stolen. Shore’s head is cut off by the Minotaur’s ax. Deems runs into a new obstacle – the Minotaur’s labyrinth. He takes Gail hostage in order to make the students get him across. They tell him how Theseus used a string to mark his path through the labyrinth – the rope Deems is holding is probably that path. Now that Deems has what he wants it looks like he’s going to kill Gail but Rebecca and Sarah attack him, stabbing him in the leg. Deems gets away but he’s leaving a trail of blood behind him which the group is able to follow.

York joins the students, seeing them as more trustworthy partners as his team is picked off and Deems continues to double cross everyone. The group is able to outwit Medusa and her gorgons, and Deems is turned to stone in the process. Next up – solving the riddle of the Sphynx of Greece. It’s Sarah who is able to solve the riddle, finally taking her sister’s advice and applying herself.

The group is chased up the mountain by a group of cyclopes. Just as all seems lost, a fleet of Pegasus arrive. Sebastian triumphantly returns on the back of one of the Pegasus. He survived the Stymphalian birds! And he’s brought help.

Through all of their quests they finally make it to the top of the mountain to find it completely abandoned – where are the Greek gods? Since Zeus gave Pandora the Box, the students think they must place the Box back on Zeus’ pedestal. But nothing happens. Now all the creatures of Greek mythology are coming after them and there’s not a moment to lose. Gail remembers that Hephaestus created the box. She runs to his pedestal and finds a lid. She puts the lid on the urn and places it on Hephaestus’ pedestal. The urn starts to glow and emits a blinding white light.

York, Sebastian, Gail, Rebecca, Sarah and Brent wake up on a beach. It looks like they’re back in Thessaly. They wonder how they got back there and hypothesize that maybe by closing Pandora’s Box they closed a doorway that opened to the mythological Olympus.

Gail is concerned they have nothing to show for their journey and the department will be shut down. York reveals he brought the Gorgons’ gold medallion back with him. How about starting their own school? He’s planning on using the medallion to buy a ranch for him and Sebastian but he’s sure there will be plenty to spare if they need it. Gail says she thinks it’s time for them to make their own history.     

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