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Patrick Galliano, Bazal, Cédric Peyravernay
Book Status
Published in English
The Federation entrusts its best agent, Marce, with a delicate, yet vital mission to help a retroworld called Almagiel evolve.
Action Adventure, Sci-Fi, Drama, Exploration, Futurist, Post-apocalyptic
AV Types
Live Action Series, Feature Film
AV Demographics
PG-13, R, TV-14, TV-MA
Part of larger Universe
in development
Book Plot/Twist

Retroworld Mythology & Context: When it’s discovered that an asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, part of mankind, the wealthy and the elite, flee aboard vast ships built with the hope of finding other worlds to colonize. As humans scattered and occupied the known universe for generations, many worlds have forgotten their true, earthly origins. The planets which retain the memory of the “formers” have allied together, creating a galactic federation known as the Brotherhood of the Stars. The “retros” are worlds that have returned to a more archaic, primitive, and isolationist way of life. The Retroworlds Commission (RWC) sends out agents to search for, monitor, and determine whether contact is possible with any Retroworlds, and whether such worlds can join the Brotherhood of the Stars.

Story: Agent Marce of the RWC is sent by General Cornelius to the planet of Almagiel – its principal resource is montbasse, an aquatic cereal plant eaten by the entire population which earns a fortune for only a minority. On Almagiel there is a system of indentured slavery where poor peasants are forced to labor under extreme conditions harvesting montbasse in order to survive.

Almagiel knows of the Brotherhood of the Stars existence and the RWC has convinced some of the masters to allow them to assist in their development on the condition that they abolish slavery. Marce is being sent to convince the indecisive parties.

Jatred is harvesting montbasse in the swamps of Almagiel and disobeys orders but shows great courage by fighting off creatures known as gouzes. Orval, the son of the master of their region wants to give Jatred the whip. Orval’s father promotes Jatred instead.

Jatred’s team is in charge of delivering a shipment of montbasse when their train is stopped by a blockade of rebels. They’re outnumbered but Jatred uses his ingenuity by using the steam from the train to stop the rebels. Jatred is scolded for not taking any of the rebels hostage and ends up in a fist fight with his superior and punches Orval. Such an offense is punishable by death. As Jatred is about to be executed, the grain silos catch on fire and Jatred ends up saving Orval’s life. Orval decides to allow Jatred to live.

Orval’s father says he doesn’t have the strength to travel to parliament. Even though he knows Orval doesn’t agree with him, he sends him to speak to parliament on his behalf and say he agrees that Almagiel should be freed.

At the Masters’ Parliament the opposing sides argue over whether to accept the Brotherhood’s help as a rebellion is brewing. Orval lies and says that his father is against freeing Almagiel. Agent Marce thinks it’s odd that Orval’s family changed their opinion and wants to meet with Orval’s father. Orval says he’ll take Marce to his father but instead drugs him, kills his father and frames Marce for it. Jatred and Lil see this. Orval sees Jatred and has both him and Marce sent to Argolide Penitentiary, the most dangerous place on the planet. No one has ever escaped Argolide because it’s on an island surrounded by dangerous sea creatures.

Orval sends a message to the warden that if an accident were to happen to Marce and Jatred that would be appreciated. Marce saves Jatred from a sea hydra and the two are chained together, all slaves are chained in pairs. Meanwhile Lil goes on the run when she thinks Orval may have seen her witness him kill his father as well.

Marce and Jatred find the fallen spaceship/stellar ark that Argolide is built off of. They organize the other prisoners and Marce & Jatred manage to escape after setting off an explosion in the stellar ark. They make it to Marce’s ship and report back to General Cornelius. Marce brings proof of his innocence to the masters’ vote at the parliament. Orval says it’s fake and goes on the run. Marce and Jatred chase after him. Orval shoots Marce and Jatred kills Orval. Marce with his dying breath implores Jatred to take his place and realize his dream. Jatred is welcomed as an agent of the RWC but learns the Brotherhood is very interested in Almagiel to control its Montbasse – he will have a lot to learn about the politics of the RWC.    

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