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Book Status
Under Development US
Fang, a young fox who believes that she is a demon who was once a human girl, travels through medieval China thwarting demons and grappling with her own identity.
Heroic Fantasy, Fantasy, Adventure, Animals/Nature, Anthropomorphic Animals, Coming-of-Age, Drama, Epic, Exploration, Magic, Martial Arts, Monster, Lone hero, Redemption, Self-discovery
AV Types
Animated Series, Animated Film
AV Demographics
PG-13, TV-14
Part of larger Universe
Book Plot/Twist

FANG is an episodic fantasy adventure in a rustic world of magic where it’s normal for humans and anthropomorphic animals to interact, although there is a particular prejudice against foxes. Our lead, Fang is a young fox girl who is a demon hunter.

Fang is often alone and lonely. She is wracked with guilt, as she believes she was responsible for the death of her father. Her mother trains her to use restraint to protect the innocent and kill all demons to repay the world for all she takes from it. Fang has a second sight for seeing demons and uses this to root out evil in neighboring villages.

In a local village plagued with drought, some of the villagers believe an ugly man is actually a demon and is the one causing the drought. Jie, a demon hunter, uses a sword that starts to glow when it is brought near to the ugly man – this confirms to Jie that the man is a demon and must be killed. Fang steps in and stops Jie before he’s able to kill the villager. She says that his sword indicates there is a demon near but isn’t particularly accurate. You need mountain salt to expose the real demon – she throws the salt on an old woman nearby selling beads. The old woman transforms into demon form and the two fight. Fang defeats the demon who bursts into a geyser of water, hydrating the land again. Fang, who was treated poorly because she’s a fox, asks for the reward the town offered Jie and reparations for the ugly man before heading on her way.

Fang goes to camp in the forest and later is suddenly awoken by Xiao Hong’s presence – she is a doe who asks Fang for help in finding her son, Wei Tzu, who she believes has been possessed by a demon. Fang thinks he’s just wandered off in search of some fun, sowing his wild oats. Xiao Hong is offended and Fang relents by going to check out a nearby Moonbear settlement. She tries to walk through the main thoroughfare but is stopped by a few bears - Rong sees no threat from her but Poko says she’s a dirty fox and must be a spy.

Fang thinks of her mother’s lessons to use restraint, and never kill a living thing.

The bears led by Poko attack Fang and she’s able to incapacitate them without killing any of them. She notices fungi growing on the castle walls – there’s a sickness there. Fungi is a clear indication of demons. Fang makes her way into the dungeons of the castle where she finds Wei Tzu, obviously tortured and surrounded by fungi, pulsing its ethereal glow. Rong and the other bears catch up to her and are shocked to see the buck has been tortured. Yes, they captured him as they are at war but they don’t condone torture.

The Inquisitor arrives, a loathsome and powerful demon of great evil. Xiao Hong was right – her son was possessed by a demon! The Inquisitor flicks his wrist and all of the creatures are bound by the vines in the dungeon but Fang manages to dodge them. The Inquisitor explains his evil plan to create a war between the bear and deer clans to rise the tide of the war until everyone drowns in it, in decades of war and a river of bloodshed. He lures a few of the bears like Poko to his side, don’t they want the deer to die? The Inquisitor is now in full demon form and says that no one can stop him. Fang says she will – armed with her meteor hammer, whip and claw, Fang is revealed in her true form – she is half fox, half demon. Even more reason Fang carries so much guilt and shame with her.

The Inquisitor is intrigued by Fang and says she should join him, insisting she’ll never know peace until she accepts who she is. Fang, calling upon all of her power, instead defeats the Inquisitor. Having escaped the carnage, Wei Tzu and Rong offer to take Fang home as payment for saving their lives. But now that her great secret has been revealed, how will it affect her growing friendship with them? And where will their next adventure lead?

In Book 2, we’ll learn a bit about how demons are made – the energy is out there, in the world, waiting for a host. Then, when someone falls into sorrow, anger, greed…shame…the demon spirit begins its temptation and ultimately takes over the living thing.

Fang’s mother Bing says it’s time for Wei Tzu and Rong to leave after hosting them for a couple weeks. She gives Fang her next assignment. Fang asks if she can bring Wei Tzu and Rong on the journey and her mother says that depends on how much blood she wants on her soul. Fang, feeling guilty, goes it alone. She is attacked by a swarm of small demons. She fights back but they’re relentless. Suddenly the demons are scared off by the sound of chimes. Chimes!? A religious group of pilgrims arrives and says their god welcomes all and offer her safe passage. That is until they see she is a fox. The group struggles with foxes being a creature of duplicity but Fang did fight the demons. A voice vouches for her – Wei-Tzu and Rong have followed Fang! The Stag is a noble creature so they are all invited in. Fang is confused by the village as there are no signs of demons. As the team investigates further they will find the demons are a pair of religious zealots whose xenophobia and resentment at having to come to this part of the world opened them up to demons. The couple is 100% loyal to the cause of the Pilgrimage. They are sending out demons on purpose, allowing the Pilgrims to “scare them away with the power of their god,” which gives people reason to believe in their preaching. Fang destroys the demons. Wei Tzu and Rong keep Fang from taking things too far. As the group leaves the town they are ambushed by Xiao Hong and the Iron Antler soldiers – they are here for the prince. Wei Tzu is a prince!?

The story of FANG continues with a complicated mother/daughter relationship when we learn Fang’s mother has been lying to her about her own origins for her entire life. Fang & co will continue to take down demons all leading to a showdown with the big bad, The Demon Lord.       

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