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Shy Ninja
Ricardo Sanchez, Adara Sanchez
An 11-year-old girl with social anxiety joins a ninja school to help defend herself from bullies but ends up at the center of a conspiracy where she will be forced to decide how to use her new skills.
Action Adventure, Martial Arts
AV Types
Animated Series
AV Demographics
TV-G, TV-14
Part of larger Universe

Rena Villanueva - She is an only child middle-schooler who suffers from social anxiety, and is happy staying in her room and playing video games with her friend Sidney. That is until she joins a ninja school which helps her confidence and provides her with skills to deal with her shyness.

Sundar Dysart - Master Ninja and member of the secret ninja council, a long-running organization that has played a key, if stealthy, role in shaping our history and who believe in an age-old prophecy. He runs the Watsonville Ninja School that Rena joins. He has ulterior motives to take over the council.

Dr. Menoly - Rena's psychologist, who has a more traditional approach to helping Rena with her anxiety.

Rena Villanueva - Rena’s mom is a scientist working at Emergent Technologies, on a long-running project with an AI robot named Junior.

Junior - an advanced AI robot modeled By Rena's mom to be Rena's little sister and meant to be a helpful technology.

Matt- the local bully who likes picking on Rena.

Antonia - Dysart's protege, who ends up training Rena.

Sidney - Rena's best friend. He has a compromised immune system so lives in a literal bubble and communicates with Rena online, where they spend lots of time playing video games. He is supportive and caring towards Rena.

Book Plot/Twist

Eleven-year-old Rena suffers from social anxiety order. It keeps her from engaging at school, hanging out with her best friend in person, or participating in any sort of group activity. When she decides to enroll in a Ninja class, her whole world suddenly changes when the instructor, Dysart, believes her to be the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy, and that she will become the ninja master known as “The Ghost.” Assuming she can get over her own anxieties, will she help Dysart return the ninja to their former glory, or is he planning to exploit her for his own mysterious aims?

AV Key Attributes

-Themes and Topics: Self-discovery; Social disorders/anxiety; Friendship; Justice; Social technology and AI; Ninjutsu 

-Like WANTED for kids