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Book Status
Under Development US
After serving time for the murder of his wife, Ellis is released from prison and teams up with his sister-in-law to hunt down the demonic beings that were truly responsible for his wife’s death: Pigs!
Horror, Animals/Nature, Epic, Redemption, Revenge story
AV Types
Live Action Series, Feature Film, Animated Series
AV Demographics
Book Plot/Twist


Two-thousand years ago Jesus drove a legion of demons out of a human host and into a herd of pigs; whereupon the crazed pigs charged into a river and drowned. (See Mark 5: 1-20)

At least, that’s what we’ve been told. In truth, several of those pigs swam to safety.

Two-thousand years later, those possessed pigs still walk the earth – creating havoc as the demons within them search for a suitable human host that they can inhabit. And when they find that host, they will punish the cosmos for imprisoning them within pigs.

Becky Rafferty was the minister at a small church. She loved her job, her congregation and her husband. Her life was perfect… except for the visions of evil pigs. They were infrequent when she was a child, but as she grew older, they plagued her on a daily basis. In her visions demonic pigs sought to destroy mankind and claim the planet for themselves.

It seemed like nonsense, until it didn’t.

As a minister, Becky often visited the local prison to counsel inmates. One inmate, Calvin Brown was found guilty of manslaughter for a tilt-a-whirl accident that claimed the lives of nine people. But Calvin has always insisted that his tilt-a-whirl was in perfect working order until it was sabotaged by pigs.

Becky researched Calvin’s claim and uncovered a series of odd murders at which pigs were always present. Over time, she came to understand that her visions were warning her of a dark truth.

Becky tried to warn others, but her beliefs were dismissed as lunacy. But, as Becky suspected she would be, she was brutally murdered by demonic pigs who framed her husband Ellis for the crime.


Seven years later Ellis is paroled and avenging his wife’s murder is the only thing on his mind. While incarcerated, he spent every waking moment tracking heinous crimes and bizarre events that involved pigs. Aided by his equally revenge-minded sister-in-law Zoey, Ellis sets out to slaughter each and every possessed pig.

However, evil pigs don’t live for two-thousand years without picking up a few tricks. They have learned to conceal their evil nature and hide in plain sight. They have become carnival attractions, mascots, emotional support animals, etc.

And, even though pigs lack opposable thumbs, they are fearsome killers. They can stampede. They can tear a person apart with their jaws. They can suffocate victims with their bellies. They can drown an adversary in the mud. And it is rumored among their followers that the pigs once sabotaged a zeppelin and steered a cruise ship into an iceberg.

Ellis and Zoey team up with an emotional support pig, Simon who wears a foil lined helmet so that Legion isn’t able to find him. They track down part of Legion at a slaughterhouse and Simon comes face to face with his wife, Achsah who has found a way to inhabit a human host all in the name of the swine bringing about the fall of all mankind.

And though Ellis and Zoey fight to prevent this apocalypse, their hardened hearts and thirst for revenge may make them the perfect vessels for a legion of demons with an unquenchable thirst for destruction. 

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